Ricoh eDiscovery

Ricoh's Intelligent eDiscovery Blog

The Impact of Exponential Data Growth on Your Bottom Line

Dec 3, 2015 1:42:40 PM | Tamara Porter

Digital Data and the Need for an Information Governance Strategy

As many are likely aware, Organizational Data is growing exponentially at a rate of 40% or more year over year, and companies are playing catch up when it comes to gaining control over the growth and the implications it has on cost and risk for their business. Organizations have a great need to improve efficiency and a desire to implement process to mitigate risk that can be achieved by implementing a fully formed Information Governance strategy.

This ongoing need to manage and access data is creating cross departmental challenges:

  • How does your organization solve for your inability to identify company information assets?

  • How do you navigate your inability to decide on which records should be removed from the organization?

  • How can you gain control over data that is no longer needed and is costing the company money?

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Topics: Tamara Porter, Unstructured File Analysis